(most recent on top)

7-26-24 Letting Others Be (click here to read)

7-18-24 The Attempted Assassination (click here to read)

7-24 The Supreme Court and Personal Bias (click here to read)

10-15 A Psychological View of Morality and Ethics (click here to read)

1-24-24 The Psychological Meaning of College Football (click here to read)

5-22-23 Why Do We Have So Many More Enemies Lately? (click here to read)

5-17-23 Instincts and the Fate of the Human Race (click here to read)

5-1-23 Political Violence Is Increasing In Our Society (click here to read)

12-3-22 Responding Adaptively to Populism (click here to read)

11-24-22 Criteria for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cultures (click here to read)

7-22-22 The Paradox of Unconditional Love (click here to read)

8-21-22  Gun Violence in America: 2022   (click here to read)

3-2-22   War and Leadership Type  (click here to read)

2-20-22  Taking Responsibility For Your Mind  (click here to read)

2-15-22  Ambivalence About Our Sexual Bodies  (click here to read)

2-8-22  Motivations for War and Other Conflicts  (click here to read)

1-27-22  Over-generalization In Our Political Thinking (click here to read)

1-10-22  Contemplation  (click here to read)

1-10-22  Essential Differences on Abortion   (click here to read)

10-2-21  Issues in the Use of Masks and Vaccines in a Time of Conflict
              (click here to read)

9-8-21   The Effect of Differing Approaches to Living on Mask-wearing for                    COVID      (click here to read)

4-21-21  Telling Truth From Lies    (click here to read)

3-1-21    Happiness   (click here to read)

2-18-21  Basic Psychological Needs as a Means of Understanding Populism
               (click here to read)

2-17-21  Unity Via Political Stories    (click here to read)

1-15-21  Principles of a Person-Centered (Secular) Ethics (click here to read)

1-12-21  Power/Control Motivation and Helplessness  (click here to read)

9-25-20  Electing the Best Qualified Person as President (click here to read)

9-13-20  Jobs For All And Wages For A Decent Life  (click here to read)

9-6-20  Helping Children Thrive and Mature (click here to read)

7-22-20  Choosing To Be Who You Want To Be  (click here to read)

7-9-20  Democracy’s Participation Requirements  (click here to read)

7-9-20  Overcome Racial Inequity Through Self-Esteem And Equality
             (click here to read)

7-4-20  Police Safety vs. Citizen Safety  (click here to read)

4-7-20  Relation of Philosophical Issues To Real Life  (click here to read)

8-16-19   A Social Contract for the United States   (click here to read)

7-10-19  A Meditation Before Engaging In Political Discussions      
               (click here to read)

6-12-19   Questions To Ask Presidential Candidates   (click here to read)

4-19-19   Political Parties for Everyone’s Interests  (click here to read)

4-19-19  The Importance of Assimilation in Immigration (click here to read)

10-10-18   Three Confounding Concepts in U.S. Politics  (click here to read)

6-17-18   World Peace   (click here to read)

4-17-18  How To Have Civil and Humane Discussions On Difficult Topics
                (click here to read)

3-26-18   Understanding School Shootings   (click here to read)

1-19-18      Wealth Inequality     (click here to read)

11-22-17    Inner Peace  (click here to read)

11-21-17   How We Know What Is Right (click here to read)

9-19-17   How To Have Good Human Relationships  (click here to read)

9-15-17    Reality    (click here to read)

9-15-17    Acceptance      (click here to read)

9-14-17     Self-Awareness    (click here to read)

9-14-17     Truth     (click here to read)

9-14-17     Truth     (click here to read)

9-13-17     The Problem of Difference     (click here to read)

9-13-17    Empathy       (click here to read)

9-13-17   Contentment as a Goal for One’s Life (or How Much Is Enough?)                     (click here to read)

9-2-17   Examining and Assessing Your Skills and Attitudes in Relation to
              Your Life Outcomes   (click here to read)

7-8-17   What Is Not Being Said About Healthcare (and Why)  
              (click here to read)

5-27-17   Press Contributions To Political Division in the U.S. 
                (click here to read)

3-21-17   Understanding President Trump    (click here to read)

1-4-17    Doing Something About Your Life  (click here to read)

12-1-16   How To Make A Fair and Honest Argument   (click here to read)

11-19-16   Bringing Society Together     (click here to read)

11-4-16  Minimizing War Through An International Alliance  
               (click here to read)

9-10-16   Electing the Best Qualified Person as President  (click here to read)

7-14-16   Globalization Insecurity    (click here to read)

7-4-16     Equanimity     (click here to read)

6-21-16   Pain, Suffering, and Death In Perspective (click here to read)

5-31-16   Bathroom Politics   (click here to read)

5-23-16   A Challenge To All of the World’s Human Beings:  Eliminating the
                Causes for Conflict and War     (click here to read)

5-6-16  Self-Interest Can Subsume and “Explain” Altruism  
             (click here to read)

1-13-16   Instincts and the Fate of the Human Race    (click here to read)

9-24-15    Immigration    (click here to read)

9-21-15   Censorship of “Offensive” Speech by Individuals and Groups 
                (click here to read)

9-13-15   Enhancing Democracy To Improve Government
               (click here to read)

9-12-15  Persons Cannot Be Concretely Defined For The Present
                Moment Or The Future    (click here to read)

7-30-15   A Values Challenge To Fundamentalist Islam
                (click here to read)

7-7-15       Key Skills For Living     (click here to read)

6-30-15    Questions For An In-Depth Interview  (click here to read)

6-30-15    Why Do We Murder?     (click here to read)

6-22-15    Limits On Knowing      (click here to read)

5-2-15   Competition and Equality    (click here to read)

4-1-15    Choosing One’s Ways of Being and Living (click here to read)

3-25-15   As Pogo Said, We Are The Problem    (click here to read)

3-23-15   Why Do We Fight Over Beliefs?    (click here to read)

3-21-15   Religion and Personal Responsibility      (an update)
                (click here to read)

2-16-15   What I Believe:  An Idealist Deals With Reality
                (click here to read)

2-8-15   Religion:  Costs and Benefits   (click here to read)

2-8-15   Religion      (click here to read)

2-7-15  Proposed Limits on Religious Beliefs and the Uses of
             Beliefs     (click here to read)

10-17-14   Meaning–Finding It and Making It     (click here to read)

10-12-14    Counteracting Certain Human Weaknesses By
                    Choosing Not To Act    (click here to read)

10-10-14    Basic Philosophical Questions Useful for Some                                                       Psychotherapies     (click here to read)

9-28-14   Heroes      (click here to read)

8-26-14  What Is “Good,” What Is “The Good,” and What Is “A Good  
                Life”?           (click here to read)

8-6-14    Self-esteem and Security as Determinants of Behavior                                       (click here to read)

8-4-14     Making Thinking Less Aversive    (click here to read)

7-9-14     Religion and Personal Responsibility   (click here to read)

7-3-14       Equality Is Unnatural     (click here to read)

6-14-14    The Problem With “Progress”    (click here to read)

4-14-14     Minimizing Nationalism and Sacred Customs as Causes of War                         (click here to read)